ASTROLOGY & seduction
Oh to seduce! Whether it’s a look, a whisper, an image or a complete game plan. To be able to seduce is an ego boosting and powerful tool to own as part of your repertoire. Astrology in its most simplest form can provide a guideline to how you may naturally be drawn to gain the attention of a certain person or to understand how the object of your desire may attempt to seduce you. I will loosely use Robert Greene’s different personality types from his fascinating book, ‘The Art of Seduction’ to guide you through how you or others may function in the game of love.
Astrological Markers: Venus conjunct the Ascendant (or Midheaven), Fire or Air Moon and a prominent Neptune.
Anna Nicole Smith
The Siren represents male fantasy. She is supremely confident, oozing sexuality with a hint of danger. She can weave an illusion of physical beauty and sensual style, combined with the know-how to capitalise on it.
Marilyn Monroe provides the perfect image of a Siren. Classically beautiful, her image honed and polished with perfectly presented feminine attire, complete with the whispery voice, sealing the Siren package with an air of vulnerability. Astrologically, we could place our bets on a touch of fire to provide the show, Neptune for the illusion and Venus on an angle (preferably the Ascendant or Midheaven), combined with a more cool or assertive Moon to equip the basic drive or analytical qualities, to organise the performance.
Marilyn has Leo rising with Neptune in the first house, Venus conjunct the MC and a cool Aquarius Moon conjunct a more flamboyant Jupiter. The complete package. The show, the beauty, the fantasy and the ability to run it.
Our modern day equivalent Siren could be Kim Kardasian, with many of the same signatures. Once again we find a fire sign rising (Sagittarius) with Neptune in the first house (possibly providing raw sexuality through a Neptunian filter), Venus in the 9th (see Michel Guaquelin’s study on the 9th and 1st house denoting career) and rather interestingly, both women also share a prominent Pluto and Lilith, Pluto conjunct the North Node and Lilith conjunct the Ascendant for Marilyn with Pluto and Lilith conjunct the Sun for Kim. This would probably hint at the ability to affect the masses with their beauty, the illusion of perfection that fits perfectly into societies ideal at that time, with Lilith also hinting at the danger of the image portrayed.
To give a few examples of Sirens that may have the ability to be Kim’s and Marilyn’s but may not have the same incentive, include Angelina Jolie, who shares an exact Venus conjunct the Ascendant placement that gives her the looks combined with a straight shooting Aries Moon conjunct Jupiter and Mars, heavily but positively aspected to Neptune in the 5th house. She has the ability to use her beauty in the same way as the other Siren’s, but maybe she ‘plays’ more with Neptune rather than allowing her entire image to be consumed by its own illusion. Beyonce also has the mass appeal and beauty with her Venus and Pluto conjunct her Ascendant too, but without the passion of fire to pass it off as her main persona, the prominent Neptune to ignite the desire to create the beauty smokescreen and possibly an early established talent in an other area to divert the need.
Anna Nicole Smith, who paid homage to Marilyn’s image, also had Venus and Moon conjunct her Libra Ascendant. Once again, the astrological epitome of beauty, and like Marilyn she also owned a cool air Moon, but the planets that gave her the Siren like appearance, were also the focal planets of her T-square with her IC / Mars and MC. Her childhood may not have secured her with the stability to be able to cope with the fame that the physical allure provided, which is something else both women seemed to share.
The Siren has the audience sat firmly in their seats transfixed with their act, mesmerised by an intoxicating concoction of beauty and sex appeal in its true sense. Though there is a game of power beyond themselves that they play with the Pluto and the Lilith, which heightens the feeling of threat to others’ egos amidst their temptress like seductive qualities. These women have the astute or assertive abilities to let their beauty seduce on a worldwide stage with a whisper of sexuality that conforms and dominates at the same time.
Astrological Markers: Dominant Earth and Fire Signs i.e. Sun, Moon and Ascendant. Saturn.
Sean Connery
What the physical is for the Siren, desire is for the Rake. The Rake is a great female fantasy figure. When he desires a woman – however briefly – he will go the ends of the earth for her. It’s his desire that holds the appeal.
The Rake is the hero of every Mills and Boon novel. The masculine archetype who has no time for women until he meets the right one (which of course, would be you!) These men are heavily earth dominant, displaying strong masculine identities with an unshakeable sense of self. A secure, self sufficient, happy, Rakeish home brew of a man.
Sean Connery fits the bill with his Capricorn Ascendant conjunct Saturn and his Sun and Moon in Virgo. George Clooney could give Sean a run for his money with his Taurus Sun and Mercury and a Capricorn Moon conjunct Saturn. He also has his North Node conjunct Pluto, giving him a strong generational appeal similar to Marilyn Monroe. Jack Nicholson is also another Earth dominant man with a Virgo Moon and a Taurus Mercury and Sun (conjunct Uranus, but I’ll save that Randle McMurphey aspect for another post.) He also shares Clooney’s dominant Pluto, which is conjunct his Ascendant.
These men could be Rakes if they so desired, in fact these men may be Rakes, but it’s difficult to say what really goes on in tinsel town. To claim the womaniser title I would expect a little more fire mixed in with the chart, as with Warren Beatty and Hugh Hefner (both Aries Suns with Virgo Rising.) The fire in their charts (especially Aries) provides the joy in conquering and combined with earth, it can give a magnetic appeal and an unaffected sense of self, regardless of the hormonal storm they have on others!
I feel that this chapter may need to carry a slight warning to the objects of their desire: disappointment may ensue if you perceive them to be more capable of emotional relating than they ever intended!
Astrological Markers: Mutable signs, fire with hard aspects to Pluto
The Ideal Lover reflects your innermost fantasy. Oh what a weasel ! Casanova was perhaps the most successful seducer of all time; he would study his person of interest, go along with her moods, find out what was missing in her life, and provide it. He had the mutability to be able to adapt himself and the subtle perception of Pluto to do it without his shapeshifting motives being detected. As most of us believe we are inwardly great, if we get a hint that this is realised by someone other than ourselves - BINGO! We fall in love.
Ideal Lovers display a predominance of mutable signs, showing their ability to ease themselves into any role that reflects their lover’s ideal. Giacomo Casanova - what a little toe rag! He had the passion of the Aries Sun and Sagittarius Moon and (unfortunately for his prey), he would be able to bamboozle them with his stellium of Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Pisces opposite Pluto. What a dangerous combination, like a mind reading, sexy pantomime horse.
Astrological Markers : Feminine planets in a man’s chart, masculine in a woman’s. Leo and strong Uranus aspects
Maharani Gayatri Devi
Dandies excite us because they cannot really be categorised. They hint of an ability to scoff at the world and let us believe they have the freedom we are too afraid to take for ourselves. There is a touch of androgyne in the Dandy and if you combine this with a graceful presence, attention to appearance, sensitivity to detail, and a slightly cruel coquettishness; you have a great Dandy.
Rudolph Valentino was a marvellous Dandy. Valentino played with his physicality like a woman, but his image was masculine - chatty and flirty but always in control. The insolence of the Dandy is aimed at conventions. Dandies alleviate boredom, they can slide between sex labels and they have the ability to be quick witted which is usually identified through a strong Uranus placement in the chart. There’s often a predominance of male planets in females’ charts and female planets in males’, carried with a little theatrical flair (a touch of fire). Dandy’s also display the ability to communicate in an eloquent and slicing manner (Mercury in contact with Uranus with a dominant Virgo or Gemini) and maybe even a strong Jupiter for a more comedic factor.
Rudolph Valentino has a feminine Moon and Sun in Libra and Taurus opposite Uranus - beauty with an unconventional touch. The theatrics were provided by Mars conjunct Jupiter. He also has Neptune in the ninth and Venus conjunct the M.C. Hold on! There seems to be a similarity here with the Siren, but Siren’s can’t cut you to the quick with their laser like perceptions and satirical humour like a drag queen on a night out in Ellesmere Port. No, the Dandy must have some Mercurial and Uranus elements in their charts to provide them with such a skill.
Oscar Wilde is famed for flying in the face of convention with his acerbic wit and his love of words, part of the legacy of his Virgo Ascendant and his Mercury conjunct his South Node opposite Uranus. His Sun and Venus sit in feminine Venus ruled Libra which complements his theatrical Leo moon, yet he still has the illusionary qualities of Neptune opposite his Ascendant, which unfortunately seemed to place him in the position of the societal scapegoat. Stephen Fry, who has a deep admiration for his talents and an unmistakable physical resemblance to him also, has his Moon conjunct Uranus in the thespian like Leo, a mercurial Virgo Sun and Mars and Venus in feminine Libra conjunct Jupiter.
Other examples of mental dexterity, wit and a flamboyant sense of dress include Russell Brand with his Gemini Sun and Mercury, whilst his Mars and Moon sit in fiery Aries conjunct Jupiter and Uranus squaring his Ascendant. Edie Izzard with his Mercury ruled Virgo Ascendant and a fantastic stellium of six planets in Aquarius opposite Uranus.
I unintentionally researched Dave Allen’s chart, the laid back, whiskey drinking, chain smoking Irish comedian who poked fun at the Catholic church in the 70’s. With his Sun and Mars in Gemini and Moon conjunct Uranus, this gave a little more evidence for an unconventional sense of humour. It’s the English comedian Tom Allen that I was after for a touch of dandy qualities. He has a Gemini Sun, with his Moon, Mars and Jupiter conjunct Uranus in feminine Cancer. Finally, Paul o’ Grady with his drag queen persona, Lily Savage, has Uranus exactly conjunct his feminine Cancer Ascendant and Sun, Mercury and Venus in Gemini with an Aries moon. Although none quite hold the sway of glamour as Rudolph Valentino and some are a little more dandy than others, the ability to fuse gender identities and to play with words in a carefree but fiercely erudite fashion seem to belong to Uranus and Mercury and rely on a little fire for a bit more pizzazz.
Maharani Gayatri Devi also makes a fantastic dandy. She was a royal with a liberal outlook who was celebrated for her classical beauty and became a fashion icon in her adulthood. She flew in the face of convention at the time, with her Jupiter conjunct Ascendant and a strong 12th house provided her with success in politics, but if you combine this with her Moon conjunct Uranus, you have a lady who possessed the audacity to dress in masculine clothes in India in the early / mid 20th Century. Bravo dandy lady!
Astrological Markers: Libra, Leo, Gemini and Sagittarius with a lack of hard aspects to outer planets.
Naturals are impish and innocent and appear free from normal human constraints. They are the un-defensive lover who communicates with ease. They often have their main planets in air with a flicker of fire to enable them to animate their personalities to full effect. Their open-ness, freshness and spontaneity appear to offer us respite from our dour and repetitive lives.
Their childlike personalities are delightfully at ease in social situations, and it’s not surprising that so may are found in the field of media. Jake Gyllenhaal with his Sagittarius stellium, including his Sun, Mercury and Venus (conjunct Uranus and hence may fall into the Coquette camp too) alongside his Gemini Moon. Jennifer Lawrence with Sagittarius rising, Leo Sun and Venus and Moon in Gemini and the little less impish, but still as amiable, Hugh Jackman with Libra Sun, Gemini moon and I suspect, Ascendant in Sagittarius, fit the naturals to a tee. These teasing but warm personalities are brought to life with a flow between gregarious signs. They appear comfortable in themselves and unless stressed outer planets place tension in their charts, they may not be after anything from us at all, just merrily being their breezy selves.
You can find Naturals in any sphere of life, the earthy Naturals in the young farmers club, the watery Naturals on sailing holidays and the fire Naturals on top of mountains; it all depends where you want to search. However, you may not get the chance to experience these playful personalities if they didn’t possess a few of the astrological markers above. These markers give such a strong desire to connect and relate.
Astrological Markers: Hard aspects to Pluto and a strong Uranus and Jupiter.
Coquettes possess the ability to delay satisfaction and can cause a tsunami of emotional insecurities, which can be inherently perverse. We begin to perceive a difficult conquest as having more value and we are only really excited by that which is denied us.
The Coquette is the opposite of cloying neediness. They can shoulder withdrawal by possessing a strong independent streak (Uranus and Jupiter) which serves to make them appear mysterious and allows the desire to simmer in their lover’s imagination.
Josephine famously played the great Napoleon, who would ignore campaigns until he heard from her. Coquettes make themselves irreplaceable, the only medicine for our insecurity, is their return. It can re-ignite our hope and so allow us to feel desired again.
Apart from a strong independent streak, the Coquette may also be just a natural dealing with attachment issues. Their charts have planets falling in friendly, sociable signs but with a thwarted Pluto or very strong Uranus.
Josephine had a Sagittarius Moon with Jupiter conjunct her Gemini Ascendant and Pluto almost exactly opposite her Sun, this is when the self protecting Natural becomes the Coquette.
Astrological Markers: Ascendant /Sun /Moon in complimentary signs (preferably feminine), prominent Saturn or Capricorn, 12th house.
Charmers can be consummate manipulators, masking their cleverness by creating a mood of pleasure and comfort. Charmers listen and allow us to reveal ourselves, whilst fostering our vanity and self esteem (12th house and/or feminine planets). I’m going to look at this from a little less brutal perspective; they could just be in their natural flow (complimentary signs) with a steady ability to be present (Saturn). Being genuine may just have a charm of its own.
Even though he was nominated for the Rake, George Clooney may also fall into this category. The earthy steadfast personality combined with an ability to provide room for others' self expression. He doesn’t seem to go on the charm offensive with his receptive Pisces Ascendant, Taurus Sun and Mercury and his Moon in dignified Capricorn conjunct Saturn. Compare these placements with Scarlett Johansson, with her Sun and Moon in Scorpio conjunct Saturn in 12th house and Capricorn Venus and Ryan Gosling, with his Pisces Ascendant, Sun in Scorpio, Capricorn Moon and Venus conjunct Saturn, and you may notice that all three demonstrate similar combinations.
If you ‘google’ a list of charming people, the names above pop up, causing you to look at charm from a different viewpoint. You may ask, where’s charming Libra in all of this? Libra can seduce like no one else, they want to relate and they want to belong and they can conjure a congenial atmosphere in almost any situation, but maybe the most charming trait of all is to be receptive, to be yourself and be present.
To charm on a large scale though, you would need the involvement of the outer planets, and when people charm on a large scale, we move into charismatic territory.
Astrological Markers:
Type 1. Mission Markers- Outer planets conjunct personal planets and a prominent Uranus. Flow in the Ascendant, Sun and Moon.
Type 2. Libra, Scorpio and hard aspects to Pluto.
Type 3. A touch of Sagittarius, hard aspects dominant Uranus / Pluto.
Charisma is a presence that excites us. It comes from an inner confidence, a sense of purpose that radiates outwards. Charismatic people can seduce on a grand scale, but Robert Greene warns us to be aware as ‘charisma is as volatile as the emotions it stirs,’ hinting of the presence of Uranus and Pluto. The Charismatics present themselves in various guises, and a few can demonstrate how dangerous self confidence can be when the underlying personality is chaotic.
The Political Charismatic
The political charismatic has the ability to demonstrate a self assured flow in their personality, similar to the Charmer. The presence of Uranus could be an indicator of a desire to make large scale changes, possibly through a political sphere, however with the ‘charismatic killers’ the same planet could express itself as volatile tendencies, depending on the aspects.
Conjunctions to large outer planets can show a sense of purpose; Bill Clinton, with his charming Libra Ascendant, Mars conjunct Neptune, Venus conjunct Jupiter and his Mercury conjunct Saturn is a good example of such contacts. these aspects to the outer planets would demonstrate a sense of purpose or potency that other mortals may not possess. Alongside his Uranus conjunct the North Node, he would also have felt a yearning to blaze a different path to others.
Barack Obama shares many of the same qualities. He demonstrates the compatibility of his Aquarius Ascendant, Leo Sun and Gemini Moon with the steady and meaningful oratory ability of Mercury conjunct Saturn. Like Bill Clinton, his Uranus is also conjunct the North Node. Both men are characterised by their desire to influence others through their spoken word, with a sense of purpose and an integrated public persona.
Uranus seems to play an important part in people expressing their personalities in a charismatic fashion. The outer planets are more likely to be remembered as influencing society in some form. Che Guevara’s Uranus conjunct his Ascendant alongside the natural flow of his Taurus Sun and Pisces Moon, caused the world to sit up and take note of a intelligent and personable man who chose a dangerous path. Hitler also had Uranus conjunct his Ascendant, once again showing the ability to influence people on a large scale, but with catastrophic consequences.
The Scorpio Libra Pluto Charismatic
Robert Green’s example, Ralph Lauren has a Libra Sun, with a Scorpio Moon and his Mars is opposite Pluto as part of a grand cross. This man knew how to get what he wanted out of the world, maybe at any expense.
Mahamayavi Bhagavan, the American animal trainer and private zoo owner, has a similar Scorpio / Libra makeup that allowed him to possess an unusual hold over people with his Scorpio Moon conjunct illusionary Neptune and Venus opposite Pluto. Charles Manson a Scorpio Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury with Moon conjunct the North Node and Pluto conjunct the South Node and Jack Shepherd, who was dubbed the ‘speedboat killer’ by the British press, also has Scorpio Sun and Mercury, Libra Moon and Mars and the Sun square Pluto. Although to differing degrees, both men showed violent tendencies and deviant self belief.
Charismatic Killers
The infamous serial killer Richard Ramires had numerous female admirers who showed up in court dressed as his victims. Ramirez had Jupiter conjunct his Sagittarius Ascendant, Sun opposite Pluto with Uranus being the lead planet of his Locomotive chart. Defiant, dark and dangerous. He was a murderer, rapist and child molester who received marriage proposals and nude photos from fans and even married one his groupies.
Ted Bundy shares similar markers to Ramirez with his Sagittarius Sun, Mars and Moon opposite a possibly volatile Uranus in Gemini, widely conjunct his North Node and a Scorpio Venus conjunct Jupiter and Mercury and square Pluto in the 12th. A chart where the confidence of Sagittarius turns to arrogance and the Pluto and Scorpio elements are misused with heightened insight and a self assured charm.
Astrological Markers: Uranus and Neptune heavily aspected to personal planets or / and angles.
Daily life is harsh, and most of us constantly seek escape from it in fantasies and dreams. When people project the glittering presence of the Star, they allow us to believe that we could have access to a world outside of the mundane. It is easy to gravitate towards the Star, you can identify with them, yet they have an other worldly quality that separates them from normal, hum drum everyday existence. Uranus and Neptune provide that other worldly feel, which is great for youngsters born in the early / mid ’90’s, when these two planets were conjunct.
This conjunction can whisper a promise of transcendence from everyday reality. Keanu Reeves, Virgo and Cancer, lets us feel that we can identify with his considerate and down to earth persona, yet the Uranus and Pluto conjunct the Ascendant give him a charismatic, other worldly quality that feels more enigmatic as he seems to have weathered his fair share of hardships in life. Sade, kept a dignified glamour by being elegantly detached from the pop world in the 80’s. She has a Capricorn Sun, Venus in Aquarius opposite Uranus. Alanis Morissette with her Scorpio Moon conjunct Uranus and Gemini Sun opposite Neptune and Drew Barrymore has Neptune opposite her Ascendant and her Sun almost exactly trine Uranus (both described by colleagues as other worldly). Finally, Lisa Bonet radiates a delicacy with her Scorpio Sun conjunct Neptune and Libra Venus conjunct Uranus and Timothy Chalamet may also give off a practical yet ethereal feel with his sturdy Capricorn Sun, Pisces Moon, Neptune conjunct Mercury (his chart ruler) and his Aquarius Venus conjunct Uranus.
Any of us could fall into one or more of the categories above, whether we encompass the beauty and illusionary qualities of the Siren, the earthy presence of the Rake (especially if you light the touch paper with a little fire), or maybe you possess the mutability of the Ideal Lover, the quick wit and the ability to challenge gender stereotypes of the Dandy or the lighthearted personable ability of the Natural. We may question the motives, if not the independence of the Coquette and admire the Charmer’s ability to be receptive and present. We can witness the positive and negative use of charisma and fall in hope with the Star’s promise of transcendence. Whichever category feels like us or we can identify in others, it is probably just the outside edges of the jigsaw that we need to fill in for ourselves.
Our tendencies are subject to our awareness, will and actions and as Robert Green states ‘All seduction is inherently manipulative. At its best, it's morally dubious,’ but hopefully the examples above provide some insight into what may be your natural mating call or how that person you are interested in may seduce you. Robert Greene tells fascinating tales of love that could make rip roaring romantic novels. The choice is always ours. The above categories are preliminary outlines. They are there to give a flavour, to foster a feeling and weave our own perceptions and research.