The Weird Phenomenon of Energetic Connections
Credit: Richard Harrington
A few weeks ago, a lovely lady forwarded me an article questioning connections that are formed during our lifetimes, specifically romantic connections, or at least those that have a large impact in our lives. Below are a few points from the article:
Can tarot, astrology and divination help us to understand our connections in a manner that we can understand and apply to our lives?
How do people experience the same things?
How do these soul connections work (even if you’re an unwilling participant?)
How can tarot readings apply in general readings and do timeless readings work?
How can we be specific with exact events and timings?
What about intense connections and how often do we experience these in our lives?
How can you tell when the connection is dead?
Here are a few thoughts on the questions, but my short answer is: Omnia in numeris sita sunt (Everything lies veiled in numbers.) Or even shorter: God geometrises.
Here’s the long winded version:
Astrology allows you to read the nest you are weaving
Whether we acknowledge or understand it, we and our reality obey the laws of geometry. Universes outside ours whisper to planets, the planets whisper to our glands and our glands whisper to our reality. Our energy is unique, but ever-changing. Our realities are shared agreements with others with similar vibrations.
It is our level of openness and awareness that not only helps us entertain the possibility, but also allows us to be more actively involved participants, rather than being billowed around by ‘fate’. We question our motives, we understand our instincts and we play with possibilities. In doing so we become ‘The Weavers’ of our own destinies.
With intense connections, we meet part of ourselves and get the chance to revel in it or be repulsed by it, (normally a combination of both, over time) but ever expanding and understanding more, either way. We have hooks, (degrees) which are patterns in our geometry that not only attach to others' hooks, but also allow our reality to roll out the red carpet for our new guests and vice a versa (nodes, vertex connections) and new worlds are born. In this new world, the intensity of the relationship is based on the synastry connections, but can often be predicted by looking at progressions, directions, The ‘Davison Chart' and topped off with transits.
With tarot, I believe that readings can be timeless, if psychics can predict the future, (which they can, from my experience and I’m an enthusiastic, but tough critic) then your past, present and future are very slippery indeed, and not all waiting in line for their turn. To me, a tarot reading feels like steam on your face whilst running your bath, beautifully subtle and open to interpretation, whilst astrology feels like being immersed in the water, pliable but more direct. Together they make potent bed fellows.
With tarot you ‘know’ when a connection is over. Even the most prolific self- readers (we’ve all been there… I think I still am :) deep inside themselves know when the cards repeat the same message over and over again. We may get a positive every 18th read, but we know. If it is possible for aspects, houses and signs to manifest shared characteristics / archetypes, it is also viable for moments (that moment you pulled that card) to also have pattern and a meaning too. Tarot is a visual, vibrational song that you learn the tune to, whereas astrology is the instruction booklet of how that song came together.
Tarot readers and astrologers cannot predict the future, they can offer possibilities (and probabilities) for you to explore. They can, to some extent, interpret the song you’re pulling towards yourself. A reading should offer you the potential for transformation and be an active experience that allows you to reflect on the issues presented. We are living metaphors and it gives us a little helping hand to understand ourselves and the roles we play. They provide us with stories and symbols to reclaim our imagination, reassess our intentions, awaken our awareness and re-boot the strength of our convictions.
How do people experience the same things? They can with regards to generational or political astrology, or if they are personally closely connected. We make the vibrational soup together and get pulled towards the realities of people with the same ingredients as us, intentionally or unintentionally - it’s all a matter of awareness.
Tarot can apply in general readings for the same reason they can apply in a personal reading, if it’s in your reality, I don’t think you have to possess a magic ticket to be allowed into the viewing gallery, but you do need a level of awareness to be open to it, and to be able to apply the parts that resonate. With regards to exact timings, you have lessons and experiences coming to you and these can be timed, but you can amp them up, switch them down and change the experience to some extent, but once again, that brings us back to awareness.
In time, if we can read energies in whatever format, we will no longer be slaves to divination, we will recognise the patterns in ourselves and accept or adjust accordingly. You can see the possibility of an intense connection in astrology, but you can also question what part you want to play in it too. You can use a Pluto transit for inner transformation, whether you are in the relationship in question, or not. The synastry and nodal connections can give some indication of the impact of the connection, and progressions and transits can help to predict the timing and longevity. Due to the slow movement of the outer planets indicating the timing of the more intense connections, and the nodes and vertex being just four points in a 360 degree wheel - intense connections do not come around every day. In my experience it is not easy to recognise the difference between a love relationship and the birth of a much loved child.
It’s a wild world out there that is a matrix, where most of us blindly play our roles. I think that science and divination will one day sit together, but with earth goggles on, it may be like explaining what a table leg is to an ant.
So let’s climb that leg together!